Trump’s handlers knew he couldn’t call To mind something complex at all, And so to retain A place in his brain, They thought up the chant “Build That Wall”! #TrumpWall
Coast Guard
With the Shutdown, Trump’s favorite boast, Illegal drugs entered the most! Every other armed force Got its paychecks, of course, Not the Guardians of the Coast!
Stone Wikileaks Hillary Dirt
Who was it told Stone, “Be alert For some Wikileaks Hillary dirt”? The highest of all In the Trump campaign, y’all, It’s the liar-in-chief who’ll be hurt!
Little Trump Horner Sat in a corner Backed into it by his campaign, But pleasing his base Drove him to disgrace, And at last overbalanced his brain! In the end, although dumb, He pulled out his thumb, And signed for one very tough Jane!
Trump’s shutdown’s a global disgrace. No prob, if he’s pleasing his base! Some hardworking gnomes Can be losing their homes, Just as long as he doesn’t lose face! #Shutdown
Worried About Drugs?
Trump claims to be worried ‘bout drugs, It bothers him, really, it bugs, Yet most of drug sorts Come through legalized ports, And not via borders and thugs! #TrumpWall
The Wall works in San Antonio?
Donald Trump, that Geography prof., Says “The Wall,” (and at this point we cough), “…Works in Old San Antone!” In that thought, he’s alone: It’s a hundred and fifty miles off! #TrumpWall
Martin Luther King Day
On MLK memory day, Trump went, his respects to pay, His heart wasn’t in it, Stayed hardly a minute, All he said: “It’s a beautiful day!”
Shutdown Hurts Security
Security Trump wants on track, But the shutdown’s creating a lack! The good TSA Cannot get its pay, And all we can say now is “Aack!” #TrumpWall #ShutDown
Wall or Bust
Trump’s ego makes him think he must Fulfill his Wall promise or bust, It causes us fears That in just two more years The U.S. could be crumbled to dust! #TrumpWall