Limerick Translated to French

By request from Warren Phillips, I’m posting my translation of a limerick. First, here’s the limerick in English, then a translation to rhymed and rhythmic French, and then a google translation of that back to English to check meaning.

1. Limerick:
Is Trump really that big a liar?
Well, let me explain just how dire:
If he were Pinocchio,
His nose would reach Tokyo,
And his pants are forever on fire!

2. Translation to French: 
Mais est-ce que D. Trump est menteur?
Laisse-moi expliquer le pécheur.
S’il etait Pinocchio,
Son nez atteint Tokyo,
Son cul en feu jusqu’a faire peur!
3. Translation back to English to check meaning:
But is D. Trump a liar?
Let me explain the sinner.
If he was Pinocchio,
His nose reaches Tokyo,
His ass on fire until scary!

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