“Dastardly” I have been speaking For malicious and cowardly sneaking. The noun form of “dastard” I hadn’t yet mastered, But Trump gives the chance I was seeking! #Resist
DOT Secy Elaine Chow in Corruption Scandal #InvestigateChao
McConnell’s rich wife Elaine Chow, Trump’s DOT secretary now, Has been using her sway To send contracts her way, Well, all we can say is just, “Wow!” https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/06/elaine-chao-china-trip-foremost
70,689 Psychologists Say Trump Needs Help
70K shrinks signed an urgent petition Saying Trump needs a mental physician! He’s not fit for office, He’s not fit to boss us, He could use mental hospital admission! #DiagnoseTrump https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-time-cure/201709/the-dangerous-case-donald-trump
This Is Donald
“Can Trump not speak truth?” we inquire. He’s surely no boy from a choir! The list of his lies Is as long as his ties; He may be the world’s biggest liar! #TrumpLies
Trump Unfit to Visit British
For Trump to go visit the British, He wasn’t fit, nor even fittish! Walked in front of the Queen, Which should never be seen, And which left us all feeling quite skittish! #TrumpsAnInternationalDisgrace #TrumpIsAnInternationalDisgrace
Boycott Sinclair!
Sinclair owns close to 200 stations Whom they force to show news imitations! In 89 markets They peddle their darkness; 500-plus channels try our patience! #sinclairbroadcastgroup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc
Sinclair Broadcast Group
Now what of Sinclair Broadcast Group? The largest conglom’rate to dupe Conservative tools And gullible fools With fake news and right-slanted poop! http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/sinclair-broadcast-group-national-expansion-2020-sports-networks.html
Phoenix Trump Riots
Trump went out to Phoenix quite late, Of riots, inspired quite a spate! In the desert Southwest, Hate still fails the test, Even though, after all, it’s dry hate! #TrumpProtest #Resist https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/22/us/trumps-rally-in-arizona-what-you-need-to-know.html
We all wonder: Does Trump wear a wig? His ego’s amazingly big! From treating women harshly To grabbing their parsley, He’s quite the male chauvinist pig! @EverydaySexism #Resist
Trump Versus The Environment
Of Nature’s events, there’s a list: Fires, hurricanes, tornados persist. Each national park Trump tries to make dark. Climate change, he says doesn’t exist! #climatechange #climatedenial http://time.com/5508259/trump-climate-change-defense-department/